Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

I’m Vaccinated, Now What? Q & A with Cleveland Clinic's Dr. Ronan Factora



We’ve been social distancing for so long; we know those rules. So as vaccines become more readily available throughout the country and even the world, many older adults are wondering, Now What? It leaves us with many new questions. Dr. Ronan Factora is Staff in the Center for Geriatric Medicine and Program Director for the Geriatric Medicine Fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic and focuses on the challenges and choices of aging and providing care to older adults. And he joins the Aging GreatFULLy show to share with us the very same advice he gives his patients at the Cleveland Clinic, regarding what is safe—and what is not—once you receive the vaccination. Dr. Factora answers questions listeners submitted, including a host of others. As more and more people desire to enjoy more of the social activities they once did, Dr. Factora offers advice about traveling, what guidelines to continue following, including if you’ve had Covid-19, whether or not you should still get vaccinated. He discusses the various vaccin