Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Midlife NO Crisis with Lisa Levine



Midlife Crisis is a familiar term that conjures up all kinds of images and behaviors. But what if we flipped the narrative and instead, enjoyed Midlife NO Crisis?! Enter age activist, Martha Beck Institute-Certified Life Coach, and heath coach, Lisa Levine, author of just that book, Midlife No Crisis: An Audacious Guide to Embracing 50 and Beyond. Lisa herself reached a turning point when she turned 50. Spending years in a successful career and even as an entrepreneur starting her own business, she always had a sneaking suspicion that something was calling her name. Getting through a diagnosis of Graves disease, infertility, and raising a daughter with Hashimoto’s Disease, sparked a passion within Levine to use food for healing. This was audacious for her because it required her to step out of her comfort zone and learn to enjoy veggies beyond carrot sticks. And that bold move turned her “midlife meaning-of-life crisis” when she was tired of her career into taking a leap of faith into the coaching world. Beco