Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

It’s Never Too Late with Wendy Darling



Do you sometimes feel like your ship has sailed? Like this last year-and-a-half or life in general has taken its toll on you? Like you don’t know which way is up anymore or your dreams have fallen to the wayside? Perhaps life is dealing you a really tall shiitake mushroom club sammich – well, you’ll have to listen to understand that one!But in this power-hour of enlightYOUment, we aim to stir your soul with enthusiasm as we welcome guest Wendy Darling, author of Create Your Miraculous Life: It’s Never Too Late, who encourages you to reach for the stars! Prepare to be inspired towards living the life you desire and aspire as every listener is invited on a journey to see miracles in everyday life! And realize better yet, that – It’s Never Too Late! In this all too authentic book, Darling shares some of her own personal challenges and setbacks, including being in a place where she felt her dreams were long gone. And now, as founder of the Miraculous Living Institute, she’s here to share with everyone that “It’