Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Choose Better, Live Better with Dr. Alan T. Carpenter



Sometimes life’s great challenges leave behind remarkable gifts – unexpected silver linings that stay with us and forever change our lives in the grandest ways we never dreamed. Today’s guest suffered a life-threatening accident and that was just the beginning of an unexpected journey as he shares – in a new direction. Join us as we welcome Dr. Alan T. Carpenter, a wonderful role model of Aging GreatFULLy, and author of Chose Better, Live Better: Nine Healthy Choices That Nurture Body, Mind and Spirit. Dr. Carpenter makes the scientific case that embracing these nine choices in our daily lives can elevate our health and wellbeing and help us Age GreatFULLy!At 74 years young, Carpenter doesn’t just speak and write about healthy lifestyle choices, he practices and lives an active life and shares it with others – with a few occasional slip ups of course, saying after all, he’s human. And that’s part of his charm, really, his candid authenticity that we all appreciate; because we realize this truth speaks to eac