Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Sink or Swim: Surviving Life’s Riptides with Jennifer Berk Weisman



Imagine being on the fast track to startup success when a car speeding through a crosswalk jeopardized everything you’d built in a split second! That’s what happened to today’s Aging GreatFULLy guest, author of Sink or Swimwear: My Crazy Days as an Entrepreneur Surviving Life, PTSD, and a Cutthroat Industry, Jennifer Berk Weisman, owner of Just Bones Boardwear, a swim apparel company. In a constant battle with life-altering trauma, PTSD, a traumatic brain injury, and the cutthroat fashion industry, Just Bones Boardwear founder, Jennifer Berk Weisman, shares her true and powerful story of recovery, hope, strength and resilience. And for those who may question if they have what it takes to hang in there when life’s Riptides try to sweep them away—if they should sink or swim -- she answers the question for them -- and reminds them that they too are born swimmers like her, and NEVER quitters! Having faced misfortune on both a personal and professional level, Jennifer’s message echoes one of grit and fortitude a