
Not Just a Podcast with Sandy Ciaramitaro of The Good Eggs Podcast



Could your book be a podcast? Today we are talking with Sandy Ciaramitaro, who did just that with her children's series. In this non-traditional way of starting a podcast, she found success by creating follow-on content that kept the younger readers between the age of 5-12 engaged in becoming a good egg. This path had some challenges because parents are the pathway to the kids, but it has worked, and her foundation, The Good Egg Foundation, has come alongside the podcast supporting other non-profits creating good eggs. Key Topics: ·     Finding yourself in a place where you start writing and building a podcast (1:15) ·     Taking a book series and making a podcast (2:07) ·     Resources used around launching the book and podcast (3:11) ·     Converting traditional media to a podcast format (3:46) ·     Marketing a podcast to a young audience (5:05) ·     How has