Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Did You Get the Memo? with Yemi Penn



Did you get the memo or do you feel like you missed something? Today’s guest admits that for a long time, she felt that she had totally missed the memo. But in reality, she just hadn’t made her own yet. Today’s guest is Yemi Penn, an engineer by profession, a fascinating and successful entrepreneur, author, speaker, and transformation mindset coach. In our conversation, Yemi helps us understand transformation and how we can make the necessary shifts to feeling empowered. Yemi uses the “memo” comparison to life because many of us feel or have felt at some point that we’re not living life the way we should. We might feel like we’re not on the right path or that it's too late to make a change. But as Yemi explains in this episode, it’s never too late to start trusting yourself. So did you get the memo? Don’t worry if you’ve missed it because it probably wasn’t for you anyway. Let’s get started writing your own memo. Show Notes: [0:25] - This week’s episode is all about transformation and feeling empowered with