

Revisiting the controversial topic of Cardinal McCarrick, we go full-throttle in this episode as we candidly share some of the ugliness in Church leadership from an insider's view having worked for Archdioceses and other organizations over the past decade. In doing so, we wrestle with when it's prudent and helpful to challenge Church leadership and when is it spiteful and hurtful. From there, we give an honest update on how things are going with our family during our transition to working for ourselves full-time, and the difficulties that go along with it, which lead to our asking two pointed questions at the end of the show: If we could teach you how to do ONE thing, what would you want us to teach you (either both of us together, or separately)? If we could make ONE non-churchy product (i.e., no Bible studies, etc.), what would you want us to make that you'd actually pay for? Leave your comments below and let us know!