Swank Life

SL 66 - Pussification: The Effeminization of the American Male Pussification, The Effeminization of the American Male & Raising Righteous and Rowdy Girls & Boys



Doug Giles, author of Pussification: The Effeminization of the American Male, joins Jake Swank to talk about the downfall of masculinity, what put men in the state they're currently in, how to get out of it, and what role feminism has in it all. Doug frequently talks to college, business, community, church, advocacy and men’s groups, both foreign and domestic. His main emphasis is on topics including issues of Christianity and culture, masculinity vs. metrosexuality, big game hunting and fishing, raising righteous kids in a rank culture, the Second Amendment, personal empowerment, politics, and social change. Key Takeaways: [1:45] What happened to the strong male leads we used to see on the big screen [6:41] Being a provider/protector/hunter hero in a world that tells you you're not [10:44] The constitution of the pussification of the United States [15:39] Is feminism a bad word now? [19:58] The backlash of the public against Hollywood elites Website: www.clashdaily.com Pussification: The Effeminization of th