Crossing Borders With Nathan Lustig

Ep 17 Codie Sanchez, Championing Diversity and Encouraging Investment in Latin America



Codie Sanchez is not your ordinary financial expert. She started out as a journalist, writing about human trafficking and abuses going on just over the southern border of the U.S. That is, until she wrote her last story about the abandoned women of Mexico. That’s when she realized that she needed to be doing more than just writing about the issues in the world - she needed to do something about them. You need to hear this chat with Codie. You'll hear how she’s used the opportunities afforded her as a U.S. citizen to learn all she can about the power structures of the world so that she can leverage them to make a difference. Where does power come from? Codie Sanchez discovered it’s the world of finance, so she got busy. When Codie realized that she lacked the power to make changes in the real human situations she’d witnessed, it pushed her to explore what she COULD do. Her journalistic reporting skills served her well as she dug into the problems and discovered that money fuels most things in the world. That m