Crossing Borders With Nathan Lustig

Ep 18 Guimar Vaca Sittic, Building and Investing in International Online Marketplaces



With the success of companies like Amazon, it’s easy to think that new online marketplaces are not going to work out very well, but my guest on this episode has demonstrated over and over that it’s simply not the case. Guimar Vaca Sittic is an Argentinian entrepreneur who has built successful online marketplaces himself and who now leads a startup incubator and funding company that focuses primarily on international marketplaces. You’ll find his story and perspective very inspiring and helpful. A good startup accelerator / incubator needs to be lead by successful entrepreneurs. As Guimar has become familiar with the world of startups and startup incubators he’s become very aware of how many so-called accelerators are making recommendations to new companies based on their best guesses. In his mind, that’s inconceivable. In this conversation, he tells why a good startup incubator needs to have leaders with entrepreneurial experience and success under their belts and what it takes to build a good accelerator th