Crossing Borders With Nathan Lustig

Ep 19 Andres Barreto, International Business Strategy That Cuts Cost and Increases Profit



The term International Business Strategy is typically used to describe U.S. or Western companies looking to maximize profits through offshoring or outsourcing, or extending their sales into foreign markets. But Andres Barreto is doing things in the opposite direction. He’s working to encourage Latin American startups to focus on the U.S. Market and scale there, as well as encourage American companies to look to Latin America for the talented engineers and developers they need. Talent is everywhere but opportunity is not. What does it mean for US companies? One of my favorite sound bytes from this conversation with Andres Barrito is the moment when he said, “Talent is everywhere but opportunity is not.” He was speaking to the fact that many Latin American software engineers are immensely talented, equal to their U.S. based counterparts but simply don’t have the opportunity to put their skills to use. Andres believes that U.S. companies that are able to get over the cultural difference and search out team memb