Crossing Borders With Nathan Lustig

Ep 20 Thomas Allier, The Startup Growth Curve of a Latin American Travel Search Company



Every startup has a growth curve. It looks different for each company depending on many factors, but my guest on this episode says founders need to push their company through its growth curve as fast as possible. Thomas Allier left his home in Paris France to found a startup in Columbia. It's not the normal path of a Latin American company but his decision paid off. His company - Viajala - is now the largest discount flights search engine in Latin America. You’ll enjoy this conversation. Family doesn’t always understand when a founder quits everything to launch a startup. When I asked Thomas Allier what his family’s reaction was when he told them he was going to leave his secure job in Paris and move to Columbia to start a Latin American company, he laughed. That’s often the reaction people have to those who are willing to take the risk required to build a company that adds value to the marketplace. And Thomas is one of those people who has made good on his ambitious decision. In this episode of Crossing Bord