Crossing Borders With Nathan Lustig

Ep 21 Rocio Fonseca, Empowering Female Entrepreneurs and Startups in Latin America



No matter where you live in the world, it can be difficult for female entrepreneurs to succeed, but in Latin America it's especially true. In this episode of Crossing Borders, I speak with Rocio Fonseca, Executive Director of Start-Up Chile. We talk extensively about her first startup, what it was like starting a tech business in Chile in the early 2000s, why she moved to the US to study at MIT and work in Silicon Valley, why she came back to Chile to join Start-Up Chile, and the variety of programs within Start-Up Chile, including S-Factory, which focused exclusively on helping female entrepreneurs. We wrap up the conversation talking about where she sees Start-Up Chile heading in the next 5 to 10 years. The hardest part of a startup is effectively communicating your idea. Rocio Fonseca has been involved in one way or another in over 1500 startups. Her perspective on the mistakes and successes founders and teams experience is a unique one. In this conversation, I asked her about the hardest part of running a