One On One Interviews

Taylor Backman on Using All-in-One Solutions to Lower Cost



Small businesses are always looking for ways to save money and become more efficient. One way they can do this is through all-in-one software solutions. Recently, Small Biz in 15: On Location, traveled to Austin, Texas for Zoho Day 2022 and interviewed Zoho Senior Evangelist Taylor Backman about the benefits all-in-one software solutions bring to small businesses, including cost and time savings. During the interview, you'll find out helpful information, such as: • How using one software solution as opposed to several different solutions can be a huge advantage. • Some examples of systems that you might have in an all-in-one solution that you would want to integrate. • How all-in-one solutions can be less costly than going everywhere and paying different prices for different software. • The savings you can reap beyond just the price tag on the all-in-one software. • The cost savings that an all-in-one software platform can bring when it eliminates redundancy in business processes. It's important t