The Mentee Podcast

S5E33: Scale Your Business and Sales with AI



Lead generation is easier than ever with ads and marketing campaigns. But once you get leads, how many get converted into sales? If you’re spending too much on generating leads with no progress in conversion, it’s time to do something about it. In this episode of The Mentee, William Brown of TitanX shares how to elevate your sales funnel with AI. We’ll discuss the importance of knowing who to convert and how to apply the 80-20 rule to leads and revenue. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Know how AI can improve your sales funnel Use the 80-20 rule for sales conversions Find out where to establish a connection in your website  Determine who’s worth converting Episode Highlights: [11:19] The Power of AI  Currently, AI is widely used to support social media by stealing our attention and selling it to advertisers. It’ll be more beneficial if people have their personalized AI. [15:10] The 80-20 Rule Lead generation doesn’t instantly translate into conversions. 20% of your leads wil