Dead Beat Film Society

148 - The Third Man (1949)



If you loved the first two men, then boy have I got a film for you! Join the DBFS as we discuss Joseph Cotton, Orson Welles, the undefeatable sounds of the zither(!), Vienna's hate for and eventually embrace of this film, watchin it as a silent film, men with women's names, foreign film noir, $20,000 dots, top shelf Columbo, Harry Lime and the possible (dirty?) cockney rhyming slang, post war poverty, distrust and immorality, dutch angles, writing lessons from Graham Greene, Leonardo da Vinci and cuckoo clocks, the improved lines, ferris wheel death threats, murder mysterys with twist endings, the victim being the antihero, the script starting as a sentence on an envelope, our pitch for a samurai version, the five (FIVE!!) season television show, and dreams of a zither/theramin soundtrack. So grab a pack of contraband Tums and hit play for an in depth The Third Man film analysis! (Special Guest: Mychal) Click here to follow Mychal on instagram for sweet film content!