Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Daring to Dream and Living the Dream



How do you go from med school to becoming a franchise consultant? My guest today is Kim Daly, a top consulting franchising expert, and international bestselling co-author. She is also the creator of the Daly Plan, a millionaire mindset coaching program, and the host of KimDaly.tv. We discussed Kim's path from preparing for med school to becoming a successful franchise consultant, how to overcome limiting beliefs and realize your dreams, how to develop a millionaire mindset, and more. Our conversation started with what a franchise business is, the misconceptions around it, and how it can help anyone regardless of their business experience (or lack of) take a proven business plan and become a successful business owner. One of the things Kim highlighted is the importance of setting your own goals for your business, finding your motivation to succeed, and working on your mindset to become successful because success is always an inside job. On her YouTube show, KimDaly.tv, she talks about all things franchising, f