Sounds Heal Podcast

Sounds Heal Podcast with Ross Barrable and Natalie Brown



Crystanium Gongs founder, Ross Barrable, has been building sound sculptures for more than 40 years. His journey into building sound sculptures and instruments began with his discovering the melody his folk harp produced as the wind strummed the strings when he was playing outdoors. This inspired him to learn how to listen to sound and harmonics. He has evolved his sonic art form to develop innovative Contemporary Wind Harps, fabricated out of titanium, which adorn over 350 public and private landscape settings throughout North America and Europe. Working with titanium to build wind harps was ultimately how Ross was introduced to the gong community. When Ross set out to build titanium gongs, it was clear to him that this metal has a totally different vibration and a real resonant affinity with the human body that you won’t find elsewhere. He’s not interested in duplicating anything that’s out there in the gong world; rather, he’s creating something new, something that, from his point of view, resonates with th