Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

Love, Dates & Heartbreaks | Part 5 | When Dreams Can’t Come True | Chris Voigt



When Dreams Can't Come True Love, Dates & Heartbreaks July 31, 2022 I’ve never met a kid who didn’t have a dream or two, or twelve, for their future. Even if they can’t put it into words; even if their answer to the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” is “I don’t know,” at some level they DO know that they want what every child wants... to belong. To someone, somewhere. We all want to be wanted.   When our daughter, Lexi, was little, she loved to dress up as a princess, playing, pretending and dreaming about her future prince. No kid dreams about growing up and being alone. Because we all want to be wanted.   But childhood dreams don’t always come true. And even if, eventually, you found your prince or princess, it probably didn’t happen without some heartbreak along the way. And we all know that even healthy relationships have their fair share of heartache.   I’m Chris Voigt, Lead Pastor at Dayspring Fellowship in Keizer, Oregon. We are wrapping up our series, Love, Dates & Heartbrea