So You Wanna Sell On Ebay

107: So You Wanna Sell On eBay - Jennifer Santiago



Jennifer is a struggling mother of 3 kids and 3 fur babies. She loves animals, the beach, being around any type of water, and her kids. She has done nothing but struggle most of her life and had decided that she wasn't going to struggle anymore. She started selling online in January 2015 and has done nothing but grow her business since day one. Interesting Notes Jennifer has a 21-year-old daughter named Jewelianne where her eBay store name came from. She has two boys, a 17-year-old Alex, who is an attention seeker, and a 15-year-old Joel. Her kids help her in listing and the youngest helps her on shipping too. Her fur babies are a dog and two cats. Jennifer has a full-time day job with an Amazon vendor. She is an Accounting Specialist for its Amazon department. She deals with the unpaid invoices that Amazon decided not to pay out. Her love affair with eBay started in 2004 when she worked as a Clerk in the United States Postal Services. She would see a lot of people coming in with tons of package. People t