Spider-man Crawlspace Podcast

Podcast #749-Spider-Collector Spotlight Sara Pezel



We show off another amazing Spider-Man collection and talk to mega-collector Sara Pezel. She gives us an awesome tour of her hundreds of items.  I highly encourage you to also watch the video of this interview. Here is the link.  https://youtu.be/xLX3fXKHVxs Are you a Crawlspace patreon member? Sign up to support the site and get free stuff!  https://www.patreon.com/crawlspace Be sure to visit our main page at: http://www.spidermancrawlspace.com Be sure to follow us on social media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SpiderManCrawlspace Twitter https://twitter.com/crawlspace101 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/officialcrawlspace/ Youtube https://www.youtube.com/spidermancrawlspace