Dial F For Film Podcast

episode 0072 - j is for ’(the) jerk (1979)’ with James Harbaugh



welcome back to the show! after another long hiatus this year, one wonders if we will ever get through the alphabet! But alas, we will-- returning guest James Harbaugh, gets things heated up in our continuing "a-z series" with our next letter, the letter J. j is for j. carlos menjivar, j is for james, and j is for (the) jerk (1979). sit back take a listen to a very fun episode. james harbaugh will return in: k is for klute.  Dial F for Film is a podcast about the love of movies and host's -- J. Carlos Menjivar -- attempt to watch 1001 movies before he dies. A lover of lists and film, Carlos is a firm believer that all film lists should be tackled with one goal in mind: completion. Steven Jay Schneider's "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die" is the subject of this podcast. Each episode features one guest and five movies from the massive list, compiled into themed lists by the host. Guests each week will select one category without any prior knowledge as to what films are included. Once a category is chosen