Change Your Mindset

S5E30: Flipping The Script: Making it All About Them And Not About You (Part 2) with Peter Margaritis



"Great leaders inspire and motivate through empathy, not ego, agenda, and emotion." Peter Margaritis It can be hard to teach leaders to flip the script when it comes to being more empathetic and even vulnerable if those leaders are wearing thick protective armor over their humanity in the workplace. Two-face, empathy-devoid leaders take pride in their distance. But unfortunately, their aloof and impersonal workplace behavior starts degrading relationships, and then projects begin to fail. Self-absorption creates a toxic work environment. Empathetic leadership creates an empowered workplace, and one person's behaviors and attitudes can impact many. A very effective way to increase empathy is by replacing assumptions with a sense of curiosity that opens us up to empathy. You achieve this through conversation and questioning to reveal what lies beneath the surface of the other person's issue or perspective. Curiosity is a good thing. It helps us ask questions and gather more facts and information, which eliminat