Fyfc Studios - Fearcast

FEARCast 85 - Bill Oberst Jr.



FEAR has the amazing pleasure of sitting down with the actor Bill Oberst Jr. In this episode we talk about: - Getting to know Bill, outside the niche - 181 movie credits in 8 years? - The change in film from theatre to tablet - The "YouTube Generation", attention deprivation - When does this man sleep?? - Don't drink your own Kool-Aid, and don't be a bitch! - You can't judge a blockbuster vs Indie, give it fair shake - Hunting Grounds! Is Bigfoot real? - A genuine Sasquatch film - Heir... man I love this movie. - It is an onion.. so many layers, deeper and darker than you would think - Denis is comfortable, and very scary - The balance of good and evil... is real - We are all the same. Hierarchy is bullshit. - How was it being in Death House? - Be yourself, own who you are. - Going into the dark place, after asking permission Released to Patreon 2.6.17