Delight Your Marriage

350-Never Argue -- How You Should Disagree



Alternate Title: 7 Steps to a Productive Disagreement -- Arguing. Ugh. It's so... so... unhelpful. When have you left an argument where the dust has settled and you felt 100% good with everything you said -- your eyes, your words, your tones...? Everything.  In fact, how would you feel if your church congregation watched what you said and did?  Would you be proud of yourself?  Would you feel small and immature? Usually, after an argument, I only feel the latter.   To clarify, what I mean by arguing is having elevated emotions when we start using a stronger voice and intense words.  Essentially, the judging/reasoning/impulse-control part of our brains (pre-frontal cortex) goes offline during that stressful conversation and we're left with the "lizard brain" which only knows how to flight, fight, or freeze. All the wisdom that we have cultivated throughout all of our lives and have prayed for and read about, goes out of the window during an argument.  We say things we don't mean and throw verbal knives at each