Battle Tactics For Your Sexist Workplace

Part 1: Yes, Your Workplace Is Grieving - Even If You Don't Realize It



We can't make the show without you! (Become a patron) and get all kinds of extra goodies. A few months ago, we asked members of the BTSW Facebook group whether they were experiencing grief, and what they were grieving. We got dozens of answers - people were grieving their lives before the pandemic. Live music and theater. Child care. Friends, family, and partners. Jobs. Relationships. Those answers made something very clear - we are all grieving. Many of us are grieving multiple losses. Then we heard from a group member who's also an Episcopal minister - Anjel Scarborough. She told us what grief actually looks like. How long it takes to process. And she helped us understand something else - that as a nation, and a culture, we are terrible at recognizing grief when it's right in front of us. We don't know how to support each other or ourselves. And yes, those blind spots when it comes to grief are rooted in patriarchy. So what do we do about all that? Anjel has some tactics for u