Battle Tactics For Your Sexist Workplace




Help support the show! (Become a patron now) and get all kinds of extra goodies. Even before the conservatorship, Britney Spears had to figure out how to navigate a stunningly sexist workplace. The kind of workplace where it was considered charming for a fully adult Ed McMahon to compliment your "pretty eyes" and ask if you have a boyfriend...when you're ten years old...and on national television. Jeannie and Eula have a heart-to-heart about the public narrative around Britney Spears, and how we all had a hand in creating her toxic, sexist workplace - one that only got worse once she became a mom. And they talk about how to do better from here on out. The documentary we discuss in this episode is (Framing Britney Spears,) available on Hulu. There's now a second documentary on Hulu too. It's called