Battle Tactics For Your Sexist Workplace

Sometimes Invisibility Isn't A Superpower



We love making this podcast, but it costs money to keep going! Help us keep the show alive - (become a patron) and get all kinds of special thank-you goodies. There's a phenomenon researchers have observed among many women in the workplace that they call ("intentional invisibility"). It happens because for many women, they are both aware that they must be visible at work to get ahead - own their ideas, speak up, use their voices - while also worrying that they'll be penalized for being too visible. For being too assertive, or too intimidating, or just...too much. (Decades of research on both racial and gender bias in American workplaces indicates this is a valid concern and a real danger, btw.) So these women choose the path of less potential conflict. They shrink themselves so they're not penalized for being too big. They intentionally choose invisibility. Angela 'Merk' Nguyen has been told she's too much - at