Jordan Rimmer Sermons

Guest Preacher Rev. Cody Watson



Rev. Dr. Cody Watson Jr., Senior Associate, Emeritus of Frontier Fellowship Cody is a veteran of Frontier Fellowship, having joined our staff in 1994 as one of the original four mobilizers recruited by our first executive director, Harold Kurtz. Prior to that, his ministry experience includes interning with Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ), serving as a missionary for three years in South Korea and three in Bangladesh and directing the Presbyterian Center for Mission Studies in California. A dedicated mobilizer through the decades, Cody’s focus is primarily in South Asia where he promotes the strategies of Disciple Making Movements and Oral Bible Storying. Through the years, he’s helped countless congregations engage with least-reached peoples around the globe. Their continuing commitment to the frontier serves as Cody’s legacy as he passes the frontier mission vision to the next generation. His experience, wisdom and faithfulness continue to bless and strengthen our staff, partners and ministry. Fron