The Permaculture Podcast

Emma Huvos: Riverside Nature School and Connecting with the Other-Than-Human



Donate to The Permaculture Podcast Online: via PayPal Venmo: @permaculturepodcast “We will not fight to save what we do not love.” Emma Huvos joins me to talk about her role as an educator who blends together her time as a classroom teacher with the forest and outdoor school models of Europe to create a hands-on, experiential, student-driven early-childhood learning experience that is Riverside Nature School. That opening quote, from the paleontologist and science writer Stephen Jay Gould, is a running thread throughout this conversation as we talk about how early exposure to the beauty and bounty of the outdoors and nature can have a lifelong impact on our perception and understand the world as students, while also developing a sense of biophilia, a love for all life and connection.  Visit our partner: Food Forest Card Game  If Emma’s name or The Riverside Project sounds familiar, it’s because she and I have known