The Permaculture Podcast

A Moment of Need



Donate to The Permaculture Podcast Online: via PayPal Venmo: @permaculturepodcast For the last several years I’ve run a Summer-to-Fall fundraiser in order to ask those listeners who can to donate to the show and keep the podcast freely available and frequently updated. This year I need to begin the campaign a little early as I am in need of urgent oral surgery due to an abscess the size of a quarter inside my head - it’s at the front of my maxilla for those of you familiar with human anatomy or who want to look it up. This problem went undiagnosed until a few weeks ago; growing silently and painlessly while doing a fair amount of damage. Thankfully, if the surgery is performed soon the specialist feels we can save the affected teeth, seal my sinus, and get this to heal without any complications. Living in the gift, I need to ask you now for help with this, as the cost of surgery is $1770, or more than two months