The Permaculture Podcast

Broad Impact Permaculture



Donate to The Permaculture Podcast Online: via PayPal Venmo: @permaculturepodcast "What have you seen through your lived experience and via your increasing network that gives you not only aspirational hope, but also 'perspirational' perspective & confidence of moving past demonstration projects and moving toward broader-scale impact?" Posted by Christopher Kopka during the May Ask Me Anything on Patreon. I don’t see the land and agriculture-based permaculture movement pushing past the point of small or demonstration projects in the near future because of the expense and labor required to create, manage, and harvest from fully integrated systems. Compared to modern agriculture, the tools currently do not exist to scale-up without a large investment in human labor, which drives the price of on-farm production. Farm labor is skilled labor and we must not only train those people but also pay the costs up-front. Comp