Bob & Sheri

Lamar reviews - Becky 6-12-20



This is a movie that is definitely not for everybody. My wife is still mad for watching it with me. If you are opposed to graphic violence, and I do mean Graphic with a capital G this is not for you. If you are uncomfortable with a 13 year old girl taking out bad guys in the most imaginably gruesome ways possible, you will want to take a pass. But if you can imagine Kevin, in Home Alone, instead of hitting Joe Pesci in the face with a paint can on a rope, giving him a colonoscopy with a chainsaw and that doesn’t bother you, then you can put this squarely in the “guilty pleasure” column.       The movie has an interesting start. We flash back and forth between Becky at school and a prison. As a fight is going on at school there is a fight in the prison yard. As Becky, played by Lulu Wilson, is being picked up from school by her dad Jeff, played by Joel McHale, prisoners are getting in a prisoner transport truck. The scene switches back and forth and it is really a cool effect. Becky has lost her mom to cancer