Bob & Sheri

Lamar reviews - The Kind of Staten Island 6-19-20



This was one of Todd’s brain storms. I had seen the trailer and I still had no idea what this was. I am not a huge Pete Davidson fan. His likeability quotient is not high. Everything I’ve seen him in he plays a character that is confrontational, awkward, and most of the time self-loathing. That is not the description of people I want to spend a lot of time hanging out with but I’m thinking maybe he won’t be like that in this movie. He is exactly like that in this movie and maybe worse. The movie opens with Scott, played by Pete Davidson in his car going full speed down the road. All of a sudden he shuts his eyes in the middle of traffic in what seems to be a suicide attempt. It is a very tense moment that could make you feel sorry for someone who has come to this point in their life, making you sympathetic of Scott. The fact that he is willing to kill a fair number of innocent people leaves him looking like a selfish jerk. And it only gets worse from there. Scott at 24 is happy to sit in the basement with his