Alpha Exchange

Bill Birmingham, Chief Investment Officer, Osprey Funds



Amidst the ongoing tumult in the digital asset space, it was a pleasure to welcome Bill Birmingham, the Chief Investment Officer of the Osprey Funds, to the podcast. Originally trained as a lawyer and then transitioning to a role in portfolio management in the traditional hedge fund space, Bill shares his views on many aspects of the crypto landscape, at once excited by the potential in blockchain innovation but also on guard for a further leg down in prices.Our conversation explores his early interest in digital assets a decade ago, fascinated by the programmable features of smart contracts and the similarities to what he'd observed in his study of law. We also spend time reflecting on the recent systemic risk in the meltdown of LUNA and the contagion impact of the 3AC default. There are lessons to be learned here and work to be done to create a more robust system. Specifically, the recursive leverage that is enabled through Bitcoin as an electronic bearer asset needs to be managed if the overall system is n