Future Of Agriculture

Future of Agriculture 108: Data-Driven Sustainable Agriculture Through IoT and Machine Learning with Michael Gilbert of Semios



Michael Gilbert is the Founder and CEO of Semios, a Canadian company that helps farmers manage their pest problems using onsite sensing, big data, and predictive analytics solutions. He has over twenty years of experience in the field of biotech research and development. Before founding Semios, Michael held positions with federal research institutions, large multinationals, medium-sized public companies, and startups.   Today, Michael joins me to share the goal of Semios and how they plan to contribute to sustainability. He explains the driving idea behind Semios, the technologies they apply in their business, and the many problems they help farmers solve. He also explains why pesticides can eventually stop working and the different applications farmers can use based on the data gathered from sensors.   “You need to have more data to understand why things are occurring and how to best manage it.” - Michael Gilbert       This Week on The Future of Agriculture Podcast:    How Semios helps farmers find