Future Of Agriculture

Future of Agriculture 144: Maybe Disruption Isn't the Answer for Ag with Matt Zieger of Village Capital



  Matt Zieger is the Vice President of Village Capital, a company that seeks startups offering innovative solutions and disruptive ideas that promote sustainability. As Vice President, he is responsible for developing strategic partnerships with individual investors, private organizations, and government projects. He specializes in cross-sector collaboration which allows him to weave multiple business entities into focusing on sustainability and economic growth.   Matt joins me today to discuss the idea of disruptive startups and why being disruptive may not be what the ag industry currently needs. He shares what Village Capital is all about, how they determine which companies they will invest in, and their business processes. He also shares the problems their company believes ag startups should focus on and describes when a company should scale and when it should just stay its course.       “The farm economy is the backbone of the American economy.” - Matt Zieger       This Week on The Future of A