Future Of Agriculture

FOA 172: Profitable and Sustainable Agriculture at Scale with Shonda Warner of Chess Ag Full Harvest Partners



  Shonda Warner is the Owner of Chess Ag Full Harvest Partners, an asset management business that specializes in investing in the agricultural industry. She has over 25 years of experience in financial asset management and once held the position of Executive Director at Goldman Sachs. Shonda gained experience in trading grains from her career at Cargill in Kansas City and Minneapolis.   Shonda joins me today to discuss how Chess Ag Full Harvest works and how it makes investing in agriculture easier. She shares her inspiration for starting the company, the systems they have in place, and their commitment to having a good impact on the environment. Shonda also shares her advice to those who want to start a business in the ag industry.       “We need to be good stewards of the earth and the communities in which we’re active.” - Shonda Warner         This Week on The Future of Agriculture Podcast:   How she formed the idea of starting Chess Ag Full Harvest Partners The company's first investments