Future Of Agriculture

FOA 174: Bringing People to the Table to Innovate in Animal Agriculture with Kerryann Kocher



FOA174 Bringing People to the Table to Innovate in Animal Agriculture with Kerryann Kocher   Kerryann Cocher is a Principal at Rock Road Consulting, a practice that focuses on improving the translation of science and technology into something that will give value to farmers, ranchers, and other producers. Kerryann specializes in helping struggling ag businesses to be competitive again by providing re-engineering solutions. She is also an expert on animal health, feed ingredients, and protein production.   Kerryann joins me today to share the various opportunities and untapped potential in animal agriculture. She describes the challenges that the animal agriculture industry currently faces and the solutions she proposes to resolve these issues. She also explains how she brings people to the table to innovate in animal agriculture and why she remains motivated about the success of the animal agriculture industry.   “It’s more than a choice to play in ag; it’s a lifelong commitment.” - Kerryann Kocher