Future Of Agriculture

FoA 248: Regrow Merges Agronomic Insights with Sustainability Metrics



We can all agree that sustainability that comes at the expense of productivity and efficiency is not truly sustainable at all. We are going to need to meld together what’s best for the productivity and profitability of growers with the ecosystem services they can provide.  Just recently agtech company FluroSat announced that they acquired another agtech company, https://www.daganinc.com (Dagan), and the combined company was re-branded to a new name: https://www.regrow.ag (Regrow). You might remember FluroSat founder Anastasia Volkova from her first appearance on this podcast back in episode 175. She joins us again today, now as CEO of Regrow, along with Dagan co-founder and now Regrow Chief Strategy Officer Bill Salas. Both of them are accomplished scientists as well as entrepreneurs. We have a great conversation here about why this merger made sense, what differentiates their carbon model, called DNDC, from other ways to model carbon sequestration, and how their newly combined and rebranded company will he