The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Angela McLeod: Women’s Rights are Human Rights but how far have we come since women got the vote?



Womens Rights are Human Rights, but do we live in a society of sexism, patriarchy and unconscious bias? As Chinese Leader Mao Tse Tung said, “Women hold up half the sky.” In fact in New Zealand women make up 52% of the population and so hold up just a bit more than half! EMANCIPATION

Kate Sheppard and her fellow suffragists gathered the signatures of nearly 32,000 women to demonstrate the groundswell of support for their cause. The result of this was that the Electoral Act 1893 was passed by both houses of Parliament and became law on 19 September 1983. 

New Zealand women gained the right to stand for election in 1919. The first female MP, Elizabeth McCombs, was not elected until 1933. It took until 1984 for the number of women in Parliament to reach double figures. 
In 2014 there were 69 males in parliament and 31 women!

 Should we rest without full emancipation of women being implemented in our society? Since the women’s liberation movement quietened in the eighties society has landed up with wide and wo