The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Sue Grey: Our country and democracy have been hijacked, our freedoms and assets being rapidly eroded



In this interview of Sue Grey, lawyer from Nelson who has also researched Health issues and has a degree in biochemistry, we learn that things are definitely not as they seem. She has been an activist on the battle front over the last decade endeavouring to bring transparency to so many of the issues that now are bearing down on us and now - totally surround us. She is also the Co leader of the OutDoors Party - -  and sees clearly that humanity and the ecology of our entire biosphere is at the crossroads of either we come together as a ‘conscious’ caring humanity - and in essence a global family … or continue down the path of becoming victims to corporations in cahoots with captured Government - who themselves are caught up in their own self serving agenda to not truly engage and empower the community from the grass roots up. When did you hear them mention ‘empowering the grass roots?’  To relocalise and work cooperatively with NZ’s communities?  I start by thanking Sue for her continuous