The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Antoinette James: Are NZ Kiwis Revolting? Food for Thought in an Unsavoury World



Mother, Author, Researcher ‘What is happening behind the curtain?’ The UN Agendas, the World Economic Forum - Your Future? Giving a wider understanding of the issues facing us today, both in NZ and globally. Worth your while to listen to the whole interview. Author of ‘We are Revolting’ and her new book just out ‘Under the Shadow’, Antoinette lays the groundwork of her research as to what is happening on a global scale. She says she is a big picture person.  The fact that over the years, our NZ Governments, both left and right have signed us on to the United Nations Agenda21 and Agenda23 that have slipped through without there being a public discourse or debate and education of ‘we the people’ as to what does this all translate into. Why the silence and why have our elected representatives not mentioned this to their constituents? Especially as this all started back in 1992. Then there is the question of what’s the game plan being acted out under cover of the Covid crisis? Where and where does the World Econo