Pricing Is Positioning

127: How to Position and Price for Women in Expertise-Based Businesses - with Geraldine Carter



Are you a woman who struggles with charging what you're worth? Have you ever felt like you undercharged a client or worse quoted too much and didn't get the gig? If so, you will LOVE today's BizableTV University Session with Geraldine Carter. In today's session, Geraldine unpacks how women can Position and Price in their Expertise-Based Businesses. Don't worry guys. you'll learn a thing or two as well. In this session you will learn how: How to position your services for better rates. Why narrowing your positioning deepens your expertise and offers more value to your clients. What to do with existing clients outside the niche. What to do if you don’t like your niche. Get Geraldine's Slides Here:  The BizableTV Podcast is the companion show to the new BizableTV streaming service, that's been touted as the "Netflix for creative entrepreneurs". Get 7 days of BizableTV FREE! Stream exclusive entrepreneurs, docuseries, BizableTV University, and live streams on BizableTV! If you have any guest suggestions or