Sounds Heal Podcast

Sounds Heal Podcast with Michael Reiley and Natalie Brown



“As far back as I can remember, music has been a vital part of my life. I always followed my own path, building a career as an independent musician and composer. Over the years, as my meditation practice deepened, I began to see how my musical and contemplative selves were intertwined. Once I discovered the power of Deep Listening® (with Pauline Oliveros) and followed in the footsteps of my teachers, meditation and music converged for me.  They now coexist within my work, providing me with endless opportunities to explore and tap into my creativity. Today, my work as a musician, composer, and teacher centers on how listening helps us heal, focus, and connect with ourselves and one another. Having dedicated my life to the art of listening, I create ambient soundscapes that incorporate frequencies, field recordings, and music for various levels of consciousness, from active listening to deep sleep.” ~ Michael Reiley. Natalie Brown: http://www.facebo