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148 - The Addiction Chronicles: José Chavez



In today's episode I talk with José Chavez about his story of recovery.  José is originally from El Salvador but was born and raised in North Carolina, so he considers himself an official southern boy. He is a brother, son, and accountant by profession. With that being said, to the outside world he was a professional and “normal” person. Unfortunately, we are only as sick as our secrets, and his secret was his disease of addiction. He has always had a toxic relationship with food, since he was a child, and that was his first addiction. Throughout his life, he has been on multiple diets, suffered through multiple eating disorders, and had many addictive behaviors. They say one disease, many outlets, and that is true for José. After he was given the gift of desperation, he finally decided to embark on his road to recovery to live his true, authentic, and unadulterated self. Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode and were inspired in some way, I would love to hear from you. Take a screenshot