Moxietalk With Kirt Jacobs

MoxieTalk with Kirt Jacobs #372: Greg Coker



As President and CEO of Greg Coker Development Inc., Greg’s mission is to develop the individual, team & organization. Considered an expert in human behavior & organizational dynamics, his vision is due to reading his books attending his keynotes/workshops; participants are moved to achieve higher levels of performance & their organizations better places to work after graduating from W. KY. Univ. with an undergraduate & Master’s degrees in organizational communication & psychology, he joined the powerful D.C. lobbying firm of Black, Manafort, Stone & Kelly, representing some of America’s top cos. & managing campaigns ranging from U.S. Senate to POTUS. Still, in the immortal words of Happy Chandler, “I never met a Kentuckian that wasn’t trying to get back home,” Greg heard the call to return to the Bluegrass joining the telephone Co., BellSouth, & what is now AT&T, with responsibility for lobbying K.Y.’s state legislative delegation & K.Y.’s 6-member Congressional Delega