Hamilton Perkins Collection

Episode 106: How To Be A Successful Artist - Interview With Norman Wyatt Jr



Artist Norman Wyatt Jr. seems to have always been involved in the Fine Arts. As early as the second grade, he would travel once a week to the area high school to sit under the gifted art instructor, surrounded by juniors and seniors. This passion would later lead Norman to pursue Fine Art at Virginia State University, where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Visual Communications, Art and Design.  Much of Norman’s inspiration comes from his early years and past professional experiences. As a native of Virginia, Norman grew up captivated by the colors and sounds of nature. As a senior in college, Norman worked at an African-inspired gift shop, constantly surrounded by authentic sculptures, fabrics, and jewelry. After finishing college, Wyatt worked as an elementary art teacher, instructing kindergarten through fourth grade students. He would reach the imaginations of his young pupils by constantly adorning the classroom and halls with bright, energetic bulletin boards. Norman actually developed many of his