Karen Swain Atp Radio

Debz Shakti The TEACHERS



See more here ; https://wp.me/p58EtD-5Jm Debz Shakti is the Hypnotherapist/ Healer in the film; Alien Abduction: Answers - by John Yost. A globally-renowned professional Quantum Hypnotherapist Debz has had incredible lifelong Contact and Consciousness experiences, coming into this world with all her "super-powers" turned on, perceiving and working multidimensionally as an open Channel and Energy Worker, channelling Entities known as the Star Teachers. Debz says; I just love everyone, our planet and everything that makes up LIFE! I am doing my best to work my purpose - my dharma - to assist as many people as possible to become consciously, balanced and sustained in Self-Awareness. Most of all, to BE and share and teach LOVE. Visit KAren's website here https://karenswain.com/ Follow us on other platforms https://unifyd.com/profile/kswain/ https://mewe.com/i/karenswain1 https://odysee.com/@KAren-Swain:c https://rumble.com/c/c-815875 THANK YOU for SHARING these conversations, we present them to you completel